
A weekly experimental drama series shot by the actors and produced remotely while under countrywide quarantine orders in the United States, India, United Kingdom, and Rwanda during the Global Covid-19 Pandemic, with a cast and crew of over 50 people based in 7 different time zones.

Genre: Streaming Series

Language: English, Swahili, Hindi, French

Status: Completed

Watch the “Making of” Episode

Credits & Press

Created by: Matthew Leutwyler & Anton Laines

Produced by: Ashley Porter-Gonzalez

Starring: Tara-Alisha Berry, Erik Palladino, April Pearson, Brandon Scott, Mark Kelly, Nandini Sen, Jenn Liu, Christina Bennett Lind, Gene Gallerano, Clarisse Umutoniwase, Innocent Munyeshuri, Audrey Uwimana, David Clayton Rogers, Sally Pressman, Vincent Ventresca, Shoaib Kabeer, Karen Kahn, Scott Peat, Zach Selwyn, Jeff Wiens